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Deciding to Sell

Deciding to Sell

Getting ready to sell, there are a few things to consider.

Once you have decided to sell your property before anything else, it is a good idea to sit down and clarify your motivations and draw up a basic time frame for the selling process. If you are considering an Agent, this is an excellent time to get them involved. A good agent will start this with you without any obligations on your part. This is also a chance to get to know your potential listing agent before making any commitments.

Time to Sell

Are you ready to invest in a larger property, or are you in a position you must sell? You might think your reasons are obvious, but it would do well to consider the implications of each option. Clear about your selling intentions will make it easier for us to determine the most appropriate option for your specified financial, lifestyle, and real estate goals.

Time Frame

You should immediately establish your time frame for selling. If you need to sell quickly, we can speed up the process by giving you a complete market analysis and action plan to obtain all your goals. Suppose there is no pressing need to sell immediately. In that case, we can meet to thoroughly review how we can maximize your property’s value, assess the market conditions, and find the most favorable time to sell.

Considering a 1031 exchange

A 1031 exchange has very limited time restrictions, so if you are considering a 1031 exchange, the time to start looking for the replacement property is now. As your agent, we can help you navigate this process. Most importantly, we will begin identifying your replacement property the same day we start marketing your property, significantly increasing your ability to execute your 1031 exchange successfully.

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